Israelis zu Gast – 06.05.2016


Der erste Schüleraustausch mit der Hebrew Reali School aus Haifa und damit unser 5. Deutsch-Israelischer-Jugendaustausch ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Nach der Hinbegegnung Ende Dezember, bei der Jugendliche unserer Schule Haifa besuchten und Heilig Abend in Jerusalem feierten, besuchten uns nun 41 Schüler und Lehrer aus der Hafenstadt am Rande Galiläas über insgesamt 8 Tage. Nach der Ankunft am 28.04. „Israelis zu Gast – 06.05.2016“ weiterlesen

International youth meeting for civil courage – 20th-29th of June 2009

This project was supposed to create awareness for and alert participants to different forms and fields in which discrimination occurs, enabling them to identify and understand discriminating instants e.g. in legislation, housing, employment and education conditions and everyday life in general. Young people from 11 countries of the Council of Europe met to develop tangible measures and actions together to deal with discriminating situations in a racist and xenophobic setting.
The main elements of the project and the methodology were:

1. Lecture about „Annual report on ECRI’s (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance) activities“, working groups about the situation of the participants countries regarding racism and xenophobia including good examples to fight against that problems. „International youth meeting for civil courage – 20th-29th of June 2009“ weiterlesen